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User ID/ Email ID :
Please Enter User ID/ Email ID
ERROR: Provided User ID/ Email ID is not registered. Please provide correct one.
You are not allowed to access system, please contact with Administrator !
Email ID :
Please Enter Valid Email ID
Please Enter Your Registered Email ID !!
Reset Password
User ID :
Please Enter User ID
User Name :
Please Enter User Name
New Password :
Password should be :
at least 8 characters and up to 20 characters,
combination of one upper [e.g. A,B,C],
one lower [e.g. a,b,c] case,
atleast one number [e.g. 1,2,3]
and one special character [e.g. #,&,$,@]
Password should be min. 8 characters (combination of one upper, one lower and at least one number and one special character. e.g. Pass123*)
Confirm New Password :
New and confirm password not matching.
Sign Up As
I want to register as Institute
I want to register as Franchisor